
Epiphany Community Service -

100ft. x 15 ft. acrylics paint

Swanton, Ohio. A gem of a town on SR 2, and a must-stop along the New York Central railroad. Commissioned by Heather and Deacon Dzierzawski, this mural was conceived to give the passersby a glimpse of the town’s history, depicting several momentous events and land marks that made Swanton what it is today.

University of Toledo Carlson Library -

60ft. x 10ft. Acrylic paint and wheat paste

In collaboration with Donna Beauregard and the University of Toledo, the mural was an attempt to depict the campus and its close relations to the surrounding community.

The DOOM ROOM Mural -

13ft. x 11ft. Acrylic paint

Daniel Dumile, more commonly known by his many aliases MF DOOM, King Geedorah, Victor Vaughn, or Metal Fingers, was a well-renowned artist that many coined, “your favorite rapper’s favorite rapper.” Impersonating the life of Marvel’s supervillain Doctor Doom, Dumile is seen here learning the secrets of “dark magic” deep in the caves of Latveria. The mural will conflate the two timelines and depict several stories, turning myth into legend. The room will showcase MF DOOMs albums installed above the pillars and display a model of his mask in the middle of the room.